Wednesday, November 25, 2009


 Jordan's celebration of color.

When I was in high school I wore a lot of dark colors. My grandma used to say to me, "I wish you would wear more colors."
This was annoying at the time, but now I have to admit that color is the ultimate. It is such an obvious expression of happiness.

I decree: Living life to its fullest = Bringing more color into your life


  1. hi rose!

    naomi here. so glad you commented on my blog! now i know yours!!!!! and i must agree with you on the whole bringing color into your life = living life to the fullest. i LOVE wearing color cause it instantly makes me happy.

    have a great week!

  2. p.s. i know this blog is called ro ro riot, but have you heard of the band ra ra riot? i love them and i bet you would too!

  3. Ra Ra Riot? That sounds extremely familiar...I just checked iTunes and though I can't be sure I've heard them before I can be sure that I like what I heard. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Ro Ro, Ra Ra Riot is the reason you are christened Ro Ro Riot!!! I thought I told you that. ??? And yes they're music is awesome.

  5. No way! I had no idea. (You probably told me when I was asleep or something. Admit it!)

  6. I think you pull off color well - bold, bright, beautiful you.
