Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Celebration - Happiness Revolution

Boy, did I have fun making this one.


  1. Oh man I feel so much pressure to come up with something really funny. I'll have to think about it for a while. ps I like your blog and those cupcakes.

  2. I celebrate waking up in the morning, telling dumb jokes and then watching people's reactions, and Rich's swallow-you-whole bean bag chair! I also celebrate my family.
    I'm so grateful for family! I cried when my brother left on his mission, but I smile every time I read one of his letters.
    I am so grateful to have a job, but I want to jump out of my chair and scream and break the radio when they play dumb songs at work over and over again.
    I'm grateful for physics demos, because they will make me the "cool teacher" in high school.
    I celebrate my mom's candy.'s goodness blows my mind, and my diet. (j/k I'm not on a diet, but it sounded funny).
    I celebrate my best friend and husband, Richard, who makes me smile when I want to be crying!


    I also celebrate incredibly awesome cousins with fantastic blogs. :) You all know who you are!

  3. i love it. i am thankful for family, food, electronics (do i sound shallow?), friends (new ones especially ;)), dc, utah, sunshine, snow, nature, god's art= his children and the earth (do i sound cheesy?), sugar.

  4. Catherine: Coming up with something funny shouldn't be hard for you. I look forward to it.
    NaeNae: Yes, I added an extra "Nae" because I wanted to. Your list was hilarious. I miss your mom's candy and I miss you (more than the candy) and I hope I get to meet Rich soon.
    Emily: I appreciate your use of parenthesis. Hope Utah is going well for you.
