Sunday, January 31, 2010

Celebration - Haircuts as an Outlet for Boredom


  1. Oh TUTE! OMG, SOOOO TUTE! I wish I could put you in my pocket for a rainy day.

  2. Rose - you are beautiful. I love this haircut!

    The other day I told someone to check out the band Ro Ro Riot. After a few hours I was like...wait a minute! I hope they found your blog, though.

  3. Oh, you so make me happy! And I totally LOVE the Polaroid-ness of it all.

  4. LOL - NO WAY! I totally cut my bangs on Saturday - out of boredom yes! Then I had a real good laugh when I opened your blog! So true.

  5. Thanks, you guys! I like it off and on. Mostly on.

    Hayley, I hope they find my blog too. It'd be crazy.

    Lorflor, that's pretty hilarious. I want to see pictures.

  6. Short, shorter, shortest. Any way you cut it, you are adorable.

  7. i envy your productivity when you're bored. still loving the cut.

    and... josh told me they took you away from primary?! no.....
    i mean, hurray for the YW but not hurray for us! we will miss you lots.

    and can you save 5 minutes for me tomorrow night at the dance party--er, reception? need to catch up bad! want to hear everything!

