Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Celebration: Wired

This is not a post celebrating the emotional state of an 11 year old hyped up on 5 pounds of candy the night of Halloween or of a grad school student the morning after an all-nighter survived only through the assistance of a caffeine overload. The post is published here in celebration of a magazine I just barely discovered (it was suggested reading material in an email sent out by the professor of a class I begin tomorrow - whoa! She's already teaching me something!) called Wired.

I know, I know. Everyone in the world has already heard of this magazine, except for me. I mentioned it to my husband and he waved his hands around and nodded his head, as if to say, "Yeah, yeah! Heard of that before." I eagerly approached my journalist majoring sister about it over gchat and her response indicated to me that OF COURSE she'd heard of it. I could picture her using her parched fingers (she lives in Utah - so I'm guessing her fingers are dry) to brush her coolness off her shoulder. But I have never heard of this magazine before and I'm so pleased by it that I'm not even embarrassed to admit I wasn't "In The Know" on this one.

This is my plug for Wired: It's FUN.

Here is my favorite article so far (apparently this is the sort they're well-known for?): The Smart List


  1. Well, Roselinde, I have *heard* of Wired. But I have not really taken the time to peruse it, so my actual knowledge of what it contains is probably about what yours is. So thanks for the suggestion to check it out :).

  2. i love the part about your sisters dry utah fingers.
    p.s. i get that magazine at my office and if you'd like a copy, i'd be happy to oblige.

  3. What's your favorite part of that article? And why? How about you write your answer in essay format. Come it!

  4. Renbeth: But at least you have HEARD of it. Which makes you much cooler than myself, I guess. Ha ha.
    Emily: A copy of Wired in hand would be a dream come true.
    Mitzi: I am too cool for school. At least as far as your demands go.

  5. Hmmm...I hadn't heard of it either. But thanks for sharing! Now I'm sure I'll sound intelligent and cool in random conversations! And that article was pretty darn funny, the parts that I got to.

  6. What?! You'd never heard of WIRED?!?!

    hehe. I never have, either, that is, until you wrote this post! Awesome dude!

  7. Oh phew. I'm not the only one. Ha ha. I forgot to say in my post that I like Wired because I like the writing. It's not exactly because I'm really into techy things. I swear. (Does that make me a little bit cooler?)

  8. Wow! Thanks for the tip. I looked up WIRED and learned all about Thorium. Very interesting. Now if we can only figure out how to use it better.
    Go look so you can be cool, too.
