Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Celebration: Cleaning Rather than Taking the Bar

I have been cleaning for the last three days. I want to leave the place as clean as I can for the next people because I know how disheartening it is to move into a new place when it feels dirty. Since we packed all our fans and the window-unit air conditioning doesn't cool down the place as well on very hot days, I've been burning up. I've had to clean most of the apartment wearing just my unmentionables (is that too much to share on a public forum?) I have to admit that it's extremely freeing not to be wearing so many layers all the time.

Today, every time I think I'm close to being finished and I start to get that sense of satisfaction over a job well done, I remember there is something else I need to do. The thing I'm really not looking forward to? Cleaning the microwave. Not sure why, but when I contemplate cleaning it I feel a subtle loathing.

Jordan has spent the last three days traveling to and taking the Virginia bar exam. He gets back sometime tonight. Yesterday the test went from 8:30am to 5:30pm. HORROR! Today it could go til anywhere between 3 and 5:30pm. When I look at the microwave, I try to think of Jordan and how glad I am that I'm not him right now. (Or ever, I guess, since one of the major bonuses to being me is that I get to spend most of my time with him.) Because despite the fact that I have been laboring physically for three days, I have the freedom to take short breaks and read bits of the Amelia Peabody mystery series by Elizabeth Peters (thanks friend Stephanie, for lending the books to me) and I get to sleep over at my sister's apartment. And today, once I finish cleaning and doing an errand or two, I get to go get gelato with a friend and then spend the evening with my sister for the last time before the move. With those two prospects in mind, cleaning seems like a cinch. 

On a related note, I'm really glad Jordan is taking the bar and preparing for our future and etc, but seriously, I'm getting kind of bored with him being gone. It got really old yesterday and now it's just getting worse. Jordan, when the test is over, please teleport yourself and the car back to our street instead of driving the four hours back. Thank you.



  1. UGH! you leave so SOON! sigh. i keep thinking that it's all a dream... or that i can convince you not to leave...

  2. Well, I was hoping you loved my own personal (well, my mom's personal) copies of the books so much that they would be an inducement for you to stay so you could get more, and I am sad that they failed. But I'm happy you loved them and that you and Jordan get to have dollars pouring into your pockets because of this move. Other than that, I refuse to face the reality that you're going. As I've mentioned 20 or so times already.

  3. I love this line: "...when I contemplate cleaning it I feel a subtle loathing." It cracked me up because I all too often feel that way about cleaning odd parts of our house.

    Good luck with your final DC day and your trek west. Let me know once you are settled, send a new address, etc.


  4. AHA! And you made commenting easier! Thank you :).


  5. Funny, but I feel that way about cleaning all the time--that and mind-numbing boredom. I'm so glad you're coming soon. Have a fun trip.

  6. Yes, cleaning is a bore. Can't wait to do it again when we move into our new place, ha ha.

    Ren, I'll let you know when we're settled for sure!

    Ma, can't wait to see you tomorrow!
