Thursday, July 1, 2010

Celebration: Financial Security

We are moving. There. I said it. I thought it best to get it out on the table right away and rip the band-aid off for those of you who will still be living in D.C. after we leave. We’re certainly going to miss you guys. And almost everything else about D.C. We hadn’t been planning on leaving anytime soon. Just a week and a half ago our bishop said he’d heard rumors we were moving and asked if it was true. We assured him with certainty that we were going to be here for another couple years at least. I guess that means we accidentally lied to our religious leader.

Right now you are going, “Wait? What? Where are they going? Why are they going?” Well, I’ll tell you. Jordan got a job. After trembling and panicking over when/if Jordan would find a job, we felt incredibly grateful (and a little floored) when Jordan received a completely unexpected phone call from a federal judge whose clerk for this next year was no longer able to take the position and who offered Jordan the position. The judge is in Jordan’s parents’ ward and has taken us out to eat several times while on business here in D.C. He said, “I wondered whose life I could disrupt suddenly and I thought of you.” Thank you, your honor, for disrupting our lives.

The only problem is that this better-than-we-could-have-imagined job is in Las Vegas. It means we will be closer to many of our family and friends, but further from others. It’s going to be sad saying goodbye. But we’re excited to see what the future holds too.

We are still waiting for some details, but we will either be saying goodbye or saying hello to some of you sometime in August.

Wish us luck!


  1. I would wish you luck, but I'd have to stop sighing pathetically to do it. I sort of wish your husband wasn't so darned smart and job-worthy. Then you could stay impoverished in DC like me, and with me--two things everyone should want to be (not impoverished, but like me, I mean).

  2. I do wish I was like you. I've been copying you pretty much my whole life. Someone else even noticed that one time, so it must be true.

  3. Wow. And wow. I cannot believe it! And we only got out to visit you once! This is terrible!

    But also great. I mean, congrats to Jordan. It is always nice to be able to find good work. And it is nice for you to be moving to a place with some familiar faces.

    What does this mean for your school?

    P.S. On a totally unrelated note, the process of commenting on your blog is incredibly difficult. Is there any way you can make it easier for those of us not on Blogger?

  4. I found out from Kimber and was selfishly wicked sad for me, but really happy for you both.

    You have been on my getting to know you better/stalking list for awhile. I suppose it teaches me the life lesson of "never put off for tomorrow what can be done today"...

    Seriously though, good luck! I visit Vegas, so I may just show up in your next ward!


  5. renbeth, I didn't realize it was difficult to leave a comment. I'm going to email or call you and demand further explanation so I can know what I need to change.

    Andalynn: I'm so glad we're on your list! Same goes for you with me, if you know what I mean, ha ha. Putting off for tomorrow is a big problem I have and wish I'd gotten to know you better. I hope you DO show up in our next ward!

  6. Who said you'd been copying me? That's silly. You can't copy someone if you're the same person. ha ha

    But really, I've never though of you as a copy cat. You've always had your very own, very awesome identity to me.

  7. As disrupting as this move is, I'm excited to come visit you in Vegas. Woohoo! And congrats to Jordan. It was so fun to see you last weekend.

  8. My sister and her husband are moving there in AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's going to be an attorney for the dept. of justice. DUDE! please be friends!!!!! That means i DEF get to see you again and again!

  9. oh saddies. i can't even tell you. i will always remember hippie drum night in our apartment. i call next session in vegas. don't think we are going to leave you alone just cause you move to hell on earth. haha, i kid i kid.

    congrats to jordan and congrats for being brave. let's all go eat something to celebrate!

  10. Ma, I loved seeing you too! And I'll see you again soon.

    Hayles, if he's a lawyer maybe we'll be inevitably drawn together. You have to come visit us now too! YAY!

    Gnomadic, in many ways it is a little like hell there, if you look at the terrain. Ha ha. But it will be nice. We seriously hope you don't leave us alone. PLEASE DON'T! We will need our friends to still be our friends.

  11. Wow.

    Okay, props to J for being the kind of guy that someone wants to just hire when a position opens - even when they're not living in the same sate.



  12. Yay! I can't wait to move into your basement. Good luck with your move...we'll be right behind you!

  13. Ha ha. Please DO live in our basement.

  14. Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! This also means you will be closer to New Mexico. Huzza!
