Thursday, December 3, 2009

Celebration - These Things Make Mitzi Happy

My sister sent this celebration. You'll think I only feature in it in a very small way, but I definitely contributed a lot to the things that make her happy:

1. Her dog Pip the Bruiser would not have survived her first 24 hours under Mitzi's care if not for me.
2. I introduced her to Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" music video.
3. She definitely usurped my crush on Damon Albarn a couple years ago. I have a new crush though (my husband), so that's okay.
4. And the person taking the picture of Mitzi delishing up the southern British waves is certainly me.

You're welcome, Mitzi, for making your life so happy.

If you haven't already, peeps should check out some of the lists people left as comments on the Grand Opening post. (Is it December? Oh my gosh! It's December.)


  1. You speak truth. None of my sisters tell lies.

    You also share with me my somewhat superficial love (and could I say "obsession?" Yes, I think I could) for glamour and feeling sexy. Especially glamour with a little bit of a bite to it. So that takes you to a total of 5 reasons you contribute to my happiness.

    And you went with me to Necropolis in Scotland and while the cemetery I feature in my collage isn't Necropolis, it symbolizes all awesome, old cemeteries that I love. So in a way, that ties you to that, too. That takes you up to 6.

    Also, you are in the freaky family picture for obvious reasons, which brings you up to 7.

    You get, like, a gold star or something. Good job. You should follow me around so I'm always happy.

  2. Or maybe you should follow ME around so I can always be happy.

  3. Oh, and also, some of the friends I stole from you were at Pip's b-day bash. So you're up to 8. This is actually getting creepy. You're a happiness stalker or something.

  4. P.S. I would follow you around, but you'd have to always be doing something news-worthy so I could be doing my job. I need money for all that glamour, after all.

  5. You found me out. I am a happiness stalker. And i'm always doing something news-worthy.

  6. And I'm happy to have provided that happiness stalkerish ability. Mom

  7. Mommy-mo! You also are a happiness stalker, it's true.
