Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Celebration: Legs. Plus a BONUS Celebration!

I have met with but one or two persons in the course of my life who
understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks — who had a
genius, so to speak, for
-Henry David Thoreau

Across the way you see a building which Jordan and I have walked by several times, but never entered. Some day, Mr. Jefferson. Some day.

When the weather starts to turn tentatively into spring I remember why I like my legs so much. It's certainly not because they are pleasing to the eye; they seem to me uncomfortably close to resembling albino chicken legs, and no matter how much sun they get this will never change. My reasons for liking my legs are completely utilitarian. They walk good. Meaning that with them I can take long walks.

In the past few weeks my legs and I have enjoyed some really great walks. And we have had some really great company. My favorite walking companion is, of course, Jordan. Last Friday we took a break from our homework and job searches and walked down to the tidal basin (pictured above) to see the Cherry Blossom festival. We took the long way around the basin because there were slightly fewer people and because we wanted to walk

Check out the way Jordan's face is reflected in my glasses. Trippy. 

There is something so satisfying about seeing the world at the pace that a saunter allows, when you are not headed anywhere in particular but are walking for the purpose of walking. Everything seems closer to you, touchable, understandable. At the same time things seems bigger and more entrancing. I wish I knew how to take all of life at a saunter. Maybe there is some sort of support group. Maybe we could make one. Anyone else want in?

BONUS CELEBRATION: Other People's Flowers

 Does everyone look like a granny when they bend over? A discomfiting realization to have about oneself.
We don't have a garden of our own. Though last year our landlords planted a lush garden of edibles (basil and rosemary bushes almost as tall as my own self right outside our door) which are growing back this year, we don't have any flowers in our yard. When I take walks I love to see other people's flowers. And smell them. Thank you for planting flowers, Other People. Your hard yard work is much appreciated.  


  1. I want in on that loverly walking posse!

    Also: you do NOT look like a granny when bending over. Granny's don't have your STYLE.

  2. I agree with Stepper. No granny-ness involved, you hot thing, you.

    I like sauntering. Did I say like? I meant LOVE. It is one of my great and enduring loves. Count me in.

  3. Ha ha. Thanks you guys. Don't let any grannies know what we've said about them!

    YAY! I'm glad I have walking buddies. Walkers Across America!

  4. laura and I love going on walks too. if we ever live nearer, the four of us should go on a walk together.

  5. this is probably the number one reason i want to move to the city. we're not mobile enough at our house. no nice walking places! :(

  6. Jim, yes please. Yes to you guys moving out here (that's what you were suggesting, right...?) and yes to going on walks together.

    Honnah (I know you like your name to be said that way), we have LOTS of places to walk.

  7. Do you think you could manage a really long walk? Say to Utah? I would be willing to meet you half way.

  8. you're funny. i like my legs for walking but not for aesthetics, too. glad you guys got to take a nice break with the blossoms. they are totally bomb.

  9. Ooo! Me too! I LOVE to walk. I also love to smell the flowers. I also really love that picture with Jordan's face and your arms holding the camera reflecting in your glasses. It's S-W-E-E-T. :D

  10. Hi Ro,

    I'm up way too late and just had to say hi like the old days when I was up way too late and was saying hi. The sunglasses are way cool.

  11. Hey! Granny here! I go out of my way to avoid granniness, but somehow it keeps catching up with me. I am contemplating what flowers I need to plant at Baba's. Lots of work. But I do love to saunter. When you get to be my age that is about all you can do. By the way, even your back is cute.

  12. Nae, I know, right? And it was even accidental. Sally, the nostalgia is waving over me, and it's a happy feeling.
    Ma, I can't say I'm that upset I can't be there to help plant the flowers, but I hope I get to see the end result. And you!
