Monday, March 29, 2010

Celebration: Writing Because I Like It

Sometimes it feels like there's a deadline on success. If I don't get a story published in the next year...if I don't get a higher paying job by the end of the summer...if I dont, if I don't. Sometimes it sets my mind into a whirl and even when I'm standing still I feel like I'm running around. Sometimes it is hard to remember that I can choose to be at peace and to be happy. Sometimes I can't figure out how.

Sometimes I forget why I want to be a writer. Sometimes I contemplate how much work it is going to take to make a story or a piece of a story really good and my knees start to quiver with the weight of the imagined burden. Sometimes there are too many distractions, too many things that I must be or do, and writing becomes one item on my list of responsibilities, one more thing to avoid doing. Sometimes I forget that I write because I like it. Sometimes I forget that when I open myself up and write what comes from my core I feel beautiful.

Sometimes I have to sit down and force the distractions out of my head. Ignore my homework, my list of unanswered emails, the mess of clothes and dishes and old homework papers growing in my already cluttered apartment. Sometimes I have to sit and stare at a blank computer screen until I have something I want to say, until I can open myself up and write what I want to. Sometimes when I do this, even though I may not have put on any makeup that day, my head may be pounding with leftover sinus pressure from my cold, and I may be wearing my pajamas and yesterday's socks, I feel like the world is one big bundle of happiness ready to envelope me. That's why I write. Sometimes it's nice to have a reminder.


  1. I pretty much ALWAYS need these kinds of reminders. So thanks for this one.

  2. Anytime. Anytime. Yeah I need those kinds of reminders a lot too.

  3. Yep--me, too. Except I have a whole cluttered house and I wear the same slipper socks for a couple of weeks. Writing is hard work, so it's natural to engage in avoidance activities. For instance, I am writing to you as avoidance for writing a synopsis for that editor who really wants it.

  4. Ha ha. I like being your avoidance activity. Good luck with that editor!

  5. Miss you too Ro Ro. (Let's not forget the Riot part!) I hope you're doing well out there in far east land. Are you coming home in the Spring for any reason whatsoever?

  6. I don't know! We want to, but we're trying to figure out our finances. I hope we can visit.

  7. Wow I haven't read your blog in a little while and I forgot how bloody brilliant you are :)

  8. Those may be the nicest things anyone's ever said to me. I miss you guys!
