Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Celebration: Living my Private Life

Some of my friends like to blog a lot, like maybe every day. Or twice a day. Or more. I love reading these friends' blogs and reading the minuter details of their minds' workings. I've realized I'm not one of those people that can be on my blog that often, typing away. I tend to fade in and out of blogging activity. The thing is, I sometimes get really focused on my not-blogging life. It's not particularly interesting--not anything to write home about, you know--but I enjoy it (except for those times when I'm unbearably tired and I throw tantrums worse than a two year old's and then immediately feel mortified about it).

I've got a lot of nice things going for me in my life. Maybe they're not amazing things, but they're really pleasant. I'm married to someone really great. I've got an awesome family. I have cool in-laws that I like more and more as time goes on. I have uber fantastisch friends. Uber. I've got a job that isn't too stressful most of the time and my supervisors like me and I've got a lot of friends who work there. I've got an active mind. I'm pretty clever with my hands. I've got lots of wonderful books to read and reread. The sun is out almost ever day. Thanks to our wonderful landlords we have fresh strawberries right outside our door. We are never in need of anything vital. I could go on and on about things that may be considered normal or everyday that make my life a really nice life to live.

So I will probably continue to write on my blog frantically (or sometimes not so frantically) for a few days and then disappear for several more. But just remember at the times when I'm not writing it's not because I don't have anything to celebrate; I'm just busy enjoying all those things.

Have a happy, beautiful, comfortable, sunny week! I'm spending most of this week in Williamsburg with my in-laws. Then my mom comes to visit for the weekend. Then my nephew shows up on a school trip on Sunday. I mean, could this week get any better? If you don't hear from me, I'm having a TON of fun.


  1. :D Enjoy celebrating that life of yours!

  2. ha... i can guess i am probably one of your friends who blogs daily. i've really made it part of my routine and it makes me happy. so i like to do it. i don't blog when i don't feel like it--- but i usually feel like it. ha.
    i wish you would blog more... but i understand.
    and you have lovely things to be grateful for. like those strawberries and really bragable talents.

  3. I think part of why I like blogging so much and why I selfishly wish you would blog more is that it's kind of the only way I'm in touch with a lot of people in my life, including you. I like it when you blog because then I get to hear a tiny bit of how your life is going and what you are thinking and feeling.

    But I will try to be less selfish and only feel glad that you are eating luscious strawberries and working with friends and reading delightful books in the sun :)

  4. i think of my daily blogging as a public service. jk. ok it kind of is, a public service for my mom. she just likes knowing i'm there and i like talking, so it's a match made in heaven.

    by the way, it made me really happy to read that you have tantrums too. ok not REALLY happy, but i have tantrums and it's nice to know that cool, collected people like you have hard days too.

    also, remember how we'll be living near you IN ONE WEEK??!

  5. I love your blog because I get to see a little bit about your life and your personality. Too cool.

  6. I think you've found a nice balance. We get those snippets of you to keep us going - and you get nice breaks to focus on the living (rather than the recording).

    Just please oh please don't quit altogether!

  7. You guys are so great! Those of you who do write more often, if you slowed down I'd probably fall into a severe depression so please don't stop giving me so much to read about you and your thoughts.

    Hannah: my tantrums are ridiculous. Maybe we can have a tantrum-off sometime and get it out of our systems.
