Sunday, June 6, 2010

Celebration: Taking Steps and Good Employers

Three weeks ago Jordan graduated from law school and became, though unlicensed for the time being, a lawyer. Unfortunately for him all this meant was a day-long respite from studying law before he became fully immersed, almost every day, in summer-long studies for the bar. Unfortunately for us, he does not, as people graduating from law school used to be able to expect, have a job lined up when the fall comes. However, though we still exist uncomfortably in the limbo land of a completely unforeseeable future, mostly what I have been feeling for the last three weeks is relief. We may still be in limbo, but we've taken a step toward that unseen future and the limbo doesn't seem even half as unbearable as it did before. I think that Jordan is still daunted sometimes as he studies for the bar, but I have noticed a lighter mood on his part too.  So thank goodness for being able to feel finally that we are actually moving toward something. YEAH-YAH!

Another relief: I have been given a raise. My employers are so nice, and they gave me a significant enough raise that, with the money we have now, Jordan and I should be okay for at least another year before we end up in debtor's prison (I've been reading Charles Dickens for school, and debtor's prison was a reality, okay?) even though what I will be making doesn't quite cover our monthly expenses. Let's celebrate wonderful employers. And also, how about a little side note celebration for federal graduate loans, because we certainly would not have made it through the last couple years without that (soon to be costly) assistance.


  1. congrats to jordan again. we'll be saying our hail marys for him... that darn job market is just too darn grim. boo.
    and we'll feed you. dinner on our roof?

  2. Congrats to Jordan! And to you! A raise is always so exciting, and graduating law school is a big deal. I am sure he will wow on the bar exam and have a stellar job in no time. :)

  3. Mabrouk!

    And the cute Rose!

  4. hooray hooray! did you go see michelle o speak? i was kind of sad that i didn't graduate this year just for her...

  5. You two are adorable. I think even your shadows are adorable. I'm very proud of both of you and I'm positive everything will work out wonderfully, because you deserve for it to. Also, if they do throw you in debtors prison, I will spring you. Promise.

  6. Big steps. Baby steps. They all get you further along. At least you're moving. And yes, be grateful for nice employers. And yes, Jordan is going to do very well on the bar. And you are going to be an awesome writer who iis going to learn all about the biz. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

  7. Thank you everyone! It's nice to know we have so many great supporters.
    Emily: let's do it!
    Hayley: special thanks on the skirt. And thanks to H&M.
    Mitzi: I'd be counting on it.
    Ma: I know! So exciting!
