Saturday, January 22, 2011

Celebration: Little Lights, by Ane Brun, featuring Syd Matters (because he does)

I was going to write a post celebrating some of the fun things that have happened in my life in the last few months since I haven't really done much of that lately. But instead, I'm just in the mood to celebrate this very pretty song by Swedish musician Ane Brun and her friend Syd. This song has given me many happy melancholy moments. Sit back and have a peaceful moment while you listen to "Little Lights":


  1. tres pretty. i think i will listen to it again.

  2. Oh, I love this. Thank you so much for sharing.


  3. I know. It's so nice, right? Ane Brun's got some other very nice ones.

  4. I actually bought this album for Christmas for Alan after Jordan recommended it, and haven't listened to it yet. This post inspired me to actually do that. Thanks!

  5. Yay! I hope you actually do. There are several songs on that particular album that I like very much.
