Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Celebration: The Nuances of Vocal Performance

Last night Jordan brought home a present for sick little me, who has barely made it out of the house for more than a couple hours in total for the last week and a half. The present he brought was a humorous video that even now makes me smile. The story behind the video goes SOMETHING like this: User Axman13 posted a highly emotional and poorly spelled review of a flash game on some gaming website. One of the voice artists for the game then recorded a version of the review, pronouncing all of the words as they were spelled by Axman13. Then somebody made this clever flash video to go along with the voice recording. What really MAKES this video, though, is the perfect choices of the vocal performer.

Please enjoy:


  1. oh rose, this reminds me of my favorite video ever,

    i wonder if it's the same person...

  2. ohmygoodnessgracious. I'm gong to show itd to mey clasess,

  3. I love it! Rich and I laughed forever. Seriously. :)

  4. gnome: I hope they're at least in the same family - that they're aren't too many of those people running around...

    Ma: I thought of you specifically when I saw this.

  5. OK, so my classes laughed and laughed and laughed.

  6. I laughed. Bravo.


  7. Alan nearly wet himself with laughter. Thanks.

  8. YES! That is, as always, mine and Jordan's goal.
