Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Celebration: Being Friends With Someone Appreciative

Out of all the regular, free museum-like locations in Washington, DC, the one I have probably been to the most is the United States Botanic Garden. (Or maybe the Natural History Museum, but let's just say it's the Botanic Garden for the sake of this story.) This weekend I had to go back to the gardens to do some research on Brazilian plants for a story I am writing and my friend Emily (see here and here) went with me.
 These topiary bears always remind me of the book The Children of Green Knowe
There is something about going to the Botanic Garden in the winter that borders on magical. You walk in from the cold and are nearly overwhelmed with warmth and the smell of thriving plant life and COLORS. This weekend they were doing a show on orchids so the entirety of the main corridor was brimming with them. It was like scented happiness.
And the Chinese dragon added some color too

The Botanic Garden is the sort of place that can reveal who your real friends are (okay, okay, that's a big exaggeration/made up story). So far I've managed to always go there with people who like it as much as I do. This is key because otherwise they wouldn't understand why I would get so excited about the fact that the garden sports a real live mandarin orange tree:
Or that they have trees that look like hippy hair:
(Only, it's really lusciously beautiful hippy hair.)
Or plants as adorable as this:
(Don't you want to take it home and keep it for your very own?)
Emily and I had a lot of fun. At least I did and I'm guessing that Emily did because who wouldn't, am I right? I'm glad that she appreciates the same sorts of things that I appreciate. Being so far away from most of my family, it's nice to have good friends. 


  1. rose, i really need your enthusiasm right now. all the time, even! not for any particular reason, but because i like you and i want you to be my bff.

  2. thanks for being so nice. i love this. what a nice story :) and you're right, i really did enjoy it. i love growing things.

  3. A botanical garden sounds like HEAVEN right now. Though we have been enjoying some totally decent weather days, so I can't complain. But exotic hippie-hair trees and adorable plants and especially Warmth and Color all sound amazingly fabulous.

  4. What a lovely thing to do on the gray days. You'll have to show me when I visit--whenever that is. Now I'm going to Kentucky in June.

  5. Hmmm - that botanic garden looks like a place I must visit.

  6. Hannah,all that enthusiasm is saved only for blogs and some dance parties. Ha ha.

    Emily, it's not being nice. It's being true.

    Renbeth, it's going to be raining the first few days you're in the city so you may have to retreat to the Botanic Gardens to stay dry, ha ha.

    Mom, WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING IN KENTUCKY!?! It sounds pretty cool, actually.

  7. Lor - I think about you every time I'm there. I'm sure there are bigger, cooler ones other places but I like it. You gotta go!

  8. that looks like a such a cool place. I love the bear tree.
